Their Captain at the time of the War of the Ring was Faramir, son of Denethor, and among those who served under Faramir were Mablung, Damrod, and Anborn. īy the time of the War of the Ring, the Rangers often conducted ambushes against the Haradrim, attacked Orc scouts, and watched the old road from Minas Morgul to Osgiliath. The Rangers were selected from the descendants of the people who had dwelt in Ithilien before it fell from Gondor's control in TA 2901, at which time hidden refuges were built, including Henneth Annûn, which became a primary base for the Rangers. The Rangers of Ithilien, or Rangers of the South, much like their distant cousins in the North, were a military group whose purpose was to defend Ithilien, east of the Anduin river, to prevent Haradrim and Orcs from entering Gondor and from gaining full control of the lost province.

Rangers of Ithilien in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers